A special kind of attachment used for connecting a removable denture to fixed crowns or onto your natural teeth is called “Precision Attachment”. It is basically a small kind of interlocking device consisting of male and female components which are made with quality-tested metal or plastic.

These two components functioning as lock and key are used with removable partial dentures to treat terminally involved free end saddle dental arches. Generally, the dentist uses a conventional mechanism for the treatment of these dental arches. Moreover, Precision Attachment is also used for prosthesis fixation, stabilization and retention process.

Product Detail

  • Consumes less space
  • Perfect fit and comfortable
  • Available at less price as compared to dental implants
  • Possess features like Longevity
  • Do not create a massive restoration
  • Provide excellent cosmetic appearance.

Precision Attachment partial dentures are a good alternative to fixed restorations. It is used for controlling rotational and loading forces and retaining hybrid dentures. This mechanical device is good for the patient who is partially edentulous.

Not recommended for patients suffering from severe Periodontitis or periodontal infection. Also, the dentist did not suggest this product to patient with very narrow teeth and who are senile.